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creo2 Drawing Setup option documentation for: view_scale_format            


formats the drawing and view scale ratio.
default and available settings
  • decimal* - expresses the scale value as decimals.
  • fractional - expresses the scale value as fractions.
  • ratio_colon - displays the scale values as a ratio. for example, instead of the scale value of 0.5, displays the scale value as 1:2. since the ratio is just another way of displaying a fraction, make sure that you set the view_scale_denominator detail option appropriately.
  • ratio_colon_normalized - displays the scale value as a ratio that is normalized to have 1 as the numerator for scale less than 1:1, and 1 as denominator for scale greater than 1:1, as follows:
    • for scale less than 1:1 - the numerator appears as 1 and the denominator appears as the value that you set for the scale. for example, 1:2, 1:12, 1:2.5.
    • for scale greater than 1:1 - the denominator appears as 1 and the numerator appears as the value that you set for the scale. for example, 2:1, 10:1, 2.5:1.
    with the ratio_colon_normalized setting, some scale values can result in either the numerator or the denominator to appear as a decimal value, without the trailing zeros, and rounded to maximum of three decimal places. for example, with the ratio_colon_normalized setting, a scale value of 2:3 will appear as 1:1.5.