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wildfire2 Drawing Setup option documentation for: text_orientation            


controls orientation of dimension text in the drawing.

note: the drawing setup file option angdim_text_orientation controls the display of angular dimensions (not text_orientation).

you can flip through the various arrow directions for each orientation setting using the flip arrows command on the shortcut menu or in the dimension properties dialog box (edit > properties). while moving a dimension, you can simultaneously right-click and cycle through the displays for the designated text orientation setting.

the following examples have the default_dim_elbows drawing setup file option set to yes.


displays all dimension text horizontally.


displays text parallel to a dimension leader line.


displays all dimensions except diameter dimensions parallel to their leaders; displays only diameter dimensions horizontally.


iso _parallel

displays text parallel to a dimension witness line. this differs from the value "parallel" since this will also allow dimension tolerances to be displayed in iso 406:1987 (e) format or british standard tolerance format.


displays all dimensions except diameter dimensions parallel to their leaders. limit tolerances will be stacked in accordance with iso standard.

note: for the following arrow display, the elbow of a diameter dimension always extends through to the end of the text. to control the elbow extension beyond the text, use the dim_text_gap drawing setup file option.