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wildfire2 Drawing Setup option documentation for: line_style_length            


sets the font length for two-dimension sketched entities

you must add this option to the drawing setup file whenever you want to modify the length. you must also set the drawing setup file option axis_interior_clipping to no.

the length measurement is controlled by the drawing_units setup file option.

default and available settings

note: after you add line_style_length to the drawing setup file, you cannot delete it by deleting the row from the file or by retrieving a different dtl file into the drawing. you must change the value of this option to default to eliminate the option from the drawing setup file. use the following format:

line_style_length font_name value/default

where font_name is the name of the font that you want to modify, value is the desired value for the font length in system units, and default tells the system to use the default length value.