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creo4 config.pro option documentation for: SYNC_DATA_IMPORT_PROFILE            


never * , update , recreate
Specifies how the latest import profiles saved to disc are used in synchronizing the data of the non-Creo models when these models are opened in Creo .
You can set the sync_data_import_profile configuration option to the following values:
never - Does not synchronize the non-Creo models with the latest import profile settings. This is the default.
update - Updates the Creo wrapper data that represents the non-Creo data to the latest import profile settings. For more information on which import options are updated when you update the profile see Syncing Import Profile data .
recreate - Discards the existing wrapper data and recreates this data when it is corrupt. This value of the sync_data_import_profile configuration option is only supported in Creo Distributed Batch .
Configurations Options for Interface