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wildfire5 config.pro option documentation for: STEP_EXPORT_FORMAT            


ap203_is*(the default in 3d mode), ap214_cd(the default in drawing mode), ap202_is, 203_is_ext, ap214_dis, ap209_dis, ap214_is, ap203_e2
determines the format when you export 3d model and drawing data to step.
  ap202_is - exports the drawing using the ap202is step application protocol and conformance class.
  ap203_is - exports a 3d model using the iso 10303 ap203is step application protocol and conformance class.
  203_is_ext - exported file includes ap203 validation properties by default. to include ap203 extensions by default in the file that you are exporting to step, set the step_export_formatconfiguration option to 203_is_ext. setting step_export_formatto 203_is_ext, exports data to a step file that conforms to the international standard of step with the following extensions:
o   cla - colors and layers
o   gvp - geometric validation
o   ast - associative text
  ap203_e2 - exports the nongeometric data of the 3d models using the ap203 ed2 step application protocol and conformance class. the nongeometric data includes the material name and density, the geometric and the assembly validation properties, and the user-defined parameters. this includes the functionality in ap203_is_ext. the ap203_e2format exports annotations by default.
  ap214_cd - exports the drawing using the ap214cd2 step application protocol and conformance class. formats the output with geometry that meets the specification for the schema for ap214 cc1.
  ap214_dis - exports the drawing using the ap214dis step application protocol and conformance class. validation properties are also exported.
  ap209_dis - exports the 3d model using the ap209dis step application protocol and conformance class. edges, boundary conditions, constraints, loads, mesh, and mid planes data are not supported for export.
  ap214_is - exports the 3d model using the ap214is step application protocol and conformance class. supports the exchange of nongeometric data and graphical annotations. the nongeometric data includes the material name and density, the geometric and the assembly validation properties, and the user-defined parameters. the assembly validation property verifies the number of child components of the assembly. you must explicitly set the intf3d_out_annotationsconfiguration option to yesfor the ap214_isformat to export annotations.