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R2000i2 config.pro option documentation for: SCOPE_INVALID_REFS            


prohibit, backup

prohibitoupon attempt to create an external reference that violates the scope, the system aborts the action and displays an error message.

backupoupon attempt to create an external reference that violates the scope, the system displays a warning about the possible violation. you can then either abort the reference creation or explicitly declare such an out-of-scope reference. if you declare the reference, its backup is copied automatically to the part/assembly and this backup is referenced (while changes to the master reference are still checked, when it is in session).

if later the master reference is not in session, and the part with the backup reference is retrieved, the reference becomes temporarily frozen and uses the backup. when the master reference is again in session, the associativity returns. you can disallow the declaration prompt at any time; in this case, the system creates a back up reference automatically for any out-of-scope reference.