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creo6 config.pro option documentation for: SAVE_INSTANCE_ACCELERATOR            


saved objects * , none , explicit , always
Determines how instances are saved with the Family Tables of solid parts.
saved objects - Saves instance accelerator files if,
The instance is modified in one of the following ways.
o Feature redefinition
o Feature rerouting
o Reference replacement
o Feature reordering
o Component replacement
o Object integration
The instance verification status is not set to Failed.
The instance verification status is set to Unverified. In this case, when creating the accelerator file, Creo Parametric displays a message stating that the accelerator file was created for the nonverified instance.
none - Does not save instance accelerator files.
explicit - Saves instance accelerator files only when you explicitly save instances.
always - Always saves instance accelerator files, regardless of whether you are saving an instance explicitly or through a higher-level object.
You can override this configuration option at runtime by clicking File > Instance Operations , and clicking another command on the associated INST DBMS menu.