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creo4 Drawing Setup option documentation for: MINIMUM_ANGLE_DIMENSION            

(Also MBD)


Specifies the minimum angle value at which selected dimension references are not considered parallel.
Default and Available settings:
The default value changes based on the Creo Parametric version in which the drawing is created.
If you open a drawing created in Creo Parametric 4.0 M070 and earlier, the default value is follow_config, meaning the default value is as specified in the configuration option minimum_angle_dimension.
If you open a drawing created in Creo Parametric 4.0 M080 and later, the default value is 1.
You can specify a different value.
For example, you can specify 4 as the value for this Detail option. If the angular value between the references is 3, a linear dimension is created between the references. If the angular value between the references is 5, an angular dimension is created between the references.