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R2000i2 config.pro option documentation for: INSTANCE_SEARCH_EXHAUSTIVE            


yes, no

specifies the extent of an instance search. you must specify the type of pro/engineer file when you enter the instance name, either by typing it in the input panel (for example, inst_name.prt), or by selecting the type in the drop-down list in file > open.

yesosearches for instances that would be listed in an instance index file, if one existed. the search may take some time, especially if some of the search-path directories are on network servers. if the specified instance is at the end of the search path - or does not exist at all, the entire search may take a very long time and you may get the erroneous impression that there has been a system failure.

nooretrieves only instances that have previously been regenerated and that would be listed in an instance index file, if one existed. checks every generic model in the current working directory, and then (if necessary) in every location along specified search paths in order to find and retrieve the particular instance.

if no .idxfiles are present, pro/engineer looks only in the current working directory for instances. it will not look in each generic model found in the search paths.