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creo4 Drawing Setup option documentation for: GTOL_LEAD_TRAIL_ZEROS            

(Also MBD)


Controls the display of leading and trailing zeros in gtols.
Default and Available Settings:
The display for the same_as_lead_trail_zeros, by_model_units, trail_only(english), lead_only(metric), and both settings is valid when the dual_dimensioning Detail option is set to no.
same_as_lead_trail_zeros* - The display of a single, leading zero and trailing zeros in gtol tolerance values is determined by the current value of the lead_trail_zeros Detail option.
by_model_units - The display of the leading zero and trailing zeros is determined by the model units.
trail_only(english) - The leading zero is not displayed and trailing zeros are displayed as specified while inserting the gtol.
lead_only(metric) - A single, leading zero is displayed and trailing zeros are not displayed.
both - A single, leading zero is displayed and trailing zeros are displayed as specified while inserting the gtol.
When by_model_units is the value for the gtol_lead_trail_zeros Detail option and English is the unit, the leading zero is not displayed and trailing zeros are displayed as specified while inserting the gtol.
When by_model_units is the value for the gtol_lead_trail_zeros Detail option and Metric is the unit, a single, leading zero is displayed and trailing zeros are not displayed.
by_model_units [by_secondary_units] - Primary display of the gtols values is based upon model units and secondary display is based upon the secondary units.
by_model_units [trail_only(english)] - Primary display of the gtol values is based upon model units. Secondary units do not display a leading zero and trailing zeros are displayed as specified while inserting the gtol.
by_model_units [lead_only(metric)] - Primary display of gtol values is based upon model units. Secondary units display a single, leading zero and trailing zeros are not displayed
by_model_units [both] - Primary display of gtol values is based upon model units. Secondary units display a single, leading zero and trailing zeros are displayed as specified while inserting the gtol.
trail_only [lead_only] - Primary units do not display a leading zero and trailing zeros are displayed as entered. Secondary units display a single, leading zero and trailing zeros are not displayed.
trail_only(english) [trail_only(english)] - Both primary units and secondary units do not display a leading zero. Both display trailing zeros as specified while inserting the gtol.
trail_only(english) [both] - Primary units do not display a leading zero and trailing zeros are displayed as entered. Secondary units display a single, leading zero and trailing zeros are displayed as specified while inserting the gtol.
lead_only(metric) [trail_only(english)] - Primary units display a single, leading zero and trailing zeros are not displayed. Secondary units do not display a leading zero and trailing zeros are displayed as specified while inserting the gtol.
lead_only(metric) [lead_only(metric)] - Both primary and secondary units display a single, leading zero and trailing zeros are not displayed.
lead_only(metric) [both] - Primary units display a single, leading zero and trailing zeros are not displayed. Secondary units display a single, leading zero and trailing zeros are displayed as specified while inserting the gtol.
both [both] - Both primary and secondary unit display a single, leading zero and trailing zeros are displayed as specified while inserting the gtol.
both [trail_only(english)] - Primary units display a single, leading zero and trailing zeros are displayed as entered by you. Secondary units do not display a leading zero and trailing zeros are displayed as specified while inserting the gtol.
both [lead_only(metric)] - Primary units display a single, leading zero and trailing zeros are displayed as entered by you. Secondary units display a single, leading zero and trailing zeros are not displayed.
* The display for the above settings is valid when the dual_dimensioning Detail option is set to primary[secondary] or secondary[primary].
* You can specify secondary units using the dual_secondary_units Detail option.