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creo1 config.pro option documentation for: ECAD_LOAD_FILTERED_HOLES_TO_UI            


yes, no*
controls the import of pinand viaholes from board outlines imported as idf files. this configuration option determines whether to completely filter out the hole types, pinand via, or only set their status to filter outin the ecad input M-^S boarddialog box. in effect, it controls the behavior of the ecad_pin_hole_importand ecad_via_hole_importconfiguration options.
set ecad_load_filtered_holes_to_uito one of the following values:
  yes - holes of type pin and via are listed in the ecad input M-^S boarddialog box and you can import these hole types.
  no - completely filters out holes of type pinand via, especially when ecad_pin_hole_importand ecad_via_hole_importare set to no. you cannot recover them or import them back into the design. however, when you set ecad_pin_hole_importand ecad_via_hole_importto yes, you can import these hole types as the ecad input M-^S boarddialog box lists them.