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creo6 config.pro option documentation for: DM_PREVIEW_SEARCHES_SERVER            


yes * , no
Searches for the component model files of the top-level assembly on the Windchill server and downloads the related sid_*.wfcont graphics data files to the local cache when you retrieve the assembly in Creo for its preview. You can preview the assembly and its components in the Model Graphics window of the Retrieval Customization Component Chooser user interface that opens when you click the Open Subset option in the File Open dialog box.
You can preview the entire assembly or only preview those sub-assemblies and components of the assembly that are available in the Workspace.
yes - Downloads the sid_*.wfcont graphics data files of all the components of the top-level assembly to the cache and makes available the preview of the entire assembly. This is the default.
no - Makes available the preview of only the sub-assemblies and components of the top-level assembly that are available in the Workspace, especially for large data sets.
o When the Workspace contains the top-level assembly and a few of its components and sub-assemblies while the remaining components are in the Commonspace, the sid_*.wfcont graphics files of the components and sub-assemblies that are in the Workspace are downloaded to the cache. Therefore, only the preview of the components and sub-assemblies that are in the Workspace is available. The sid_*.wfcont files of the components and sub-assemblies that are not present in the Workspace but are available in the Commonspace are not downloaded to the cache and the preview of the components and sub-assemblies that are not in the Workspace is not available.
* When data sets are huge, you can choose to only preview the components that are available in the Workspace to avoid downloading the unnecessary sid_*.wfcont files to the cache and slow down performance.
o If no components of the top-level assembly are present in the Workspace, a preview of the assembly or its components is not available in the Retrieval Customization Component Chooser user interface.