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wildfire5 config.pro option documentation for: BM_GRAPH_TOOL            


default, excel_linked, excel_embedded, generic_graphtool
for unix machines:
M-^U  defaultoopens a customizable grapher window with several utilities available.
M-^U  generic_graphtooloopens a generic graph window.
for windows nt machines:
M-^U  defaultoopens a customizable grapher window with several utilities available.
M-^U  excel_embeddedoopens an excel window that is part of the creo elements/pro window.
M-^U  excel_linkedoopens a stand alone excel window.
M-^U  generic_graphtooloopens a generic graph window.
when you work with behavioral modeling on an nt or a windows 95 machine, you can specify the format for displaying graphs.