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wildfire5 config.pro option documentation for: AUTO_REGEN_VIEWS            


when you regenerate a parent view, its child views do not automatically regenerate; you must individually select each view on the drawing, including detail views. whenever you save changes to the model, creo elements/pro displays them on the drawing the next time that you retrieve it, regardless of whether you regenerated the drawing views.
default and available settings
  • yes* - automatically repaints the display when changing from one window to another. creo elements/pro automatically updates the drawing display by a repaint when you change from one window to another. for example, when you modify a model in a subwindow while you are working on a drawing in the main window. you can repaint or regenerate the drawing to reflect changes made to the model. when you regenerate it, creo elements/pro updates the model to reflect the changes made in the drawing.
  • no - update the drawing, do not repaint the window. you can update only the drawing by choosing updatefrom the viewmenu, and then selecting drawing vieworsheets. neither the updatecommand in the viewmenu nor the regenerate modelcommand in the editmenu updates the drawing when you have this option set to no, even if you make the change to the model in drawing mode (such as modifying a dimension value). you can select as many views as you want to regenerate at the same time.
    if you try to modify a view that you have not updated, creo elements/pro displays an error message that it is not going to make changes to the drawing until you apply the updateor regenerate modelcommand to the view.