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creo2 config.pro option documentation for: ATB_AUTO_CHECK_ON_UPDATE            


on, off*
sets the state of the auto check status on updatecheck box. configures the associative topology bus (atb) environment for the system to automatically check the status of the reference file before you update the imported parts or assemblies.
on - automatically checks the status of the translated image models (tims) or the atb-enabled features before you update them and allows you to skip the check status step of the update process. you can select a tim or an atb-enabled feature for update regardless of its current status. the system automatically checks the status when updateis selected and bases the update on the status that it returns. the auto check status on updatecheck box shows default selection when you click model M-^VM-6 operations M-^VM-6 atb.
the updatecommand works only on tims or atb-enabled features that are currently identified as out-of-date. any tim or atb-enabled feature with an up-to-date or broken-link status in the selection buffer is ignored by updateand the auto check status on updatecheck box appears unchecked when you click model M-^VM-6 operations M-^VM-6 atb.